What does this resource include? 12 x Tree swatch cards of typical trees found in the UK How can I use this resource? ...
Butterfly Swatch Book
What does this resource include? Eight cards of typical butterflies found in the UK How can I use this resource? Cut...
Year 6 Living things & their habitats
Year 6 Living things & their habitats What does this resource include? 1 x PPT Presentation 6 lesson planning...
Outdoor Learning Prospectus
Download the MPT prospectus to find more about our training packages for individuals and whole schools.Welcome to The...
Scheme of Work Everyday Materials (Year 2)
What does this resource include? Use Scheme of Work Everyday Materials (Year 2) to teach a whole unit of Science...
Habitable Habitats – Year 2 Materials
What does this resource include? 1 x Recording sheet to go alongside Year 2 Using everyday materials Scheme of Work ...
Action Plan – Outdoor Coordinators Course
What does this resource include? Action plan to go alongside the coordinator's course How can I use this resource? ...
Aims and Actions -Coordinator Training
What does this resource include? Aims and Actions Form forms part of the coordinators course How can I use this...
End of Topic Reflection Form
What does this resource include? 1 x Reflection Task Sheet ideal for EYFS &KS1 How can I use this resource? Use...
Herbivores, omnivores and carnivores
What does this resource include? Three differentiated sheets to link to Year 1 Animal, including humans scheme of...
Questionnaires Coordinators Course
What does this resource include? Questionnaires that form the outdoor coordinator's course How can I use this...
Testing Materials Year 2
What does this resource include? 3 x differentiated sheets for Testing Materials Year 2. Forms part f the Year...
Properties in Materials Year 2
What does this resource include? 3 x differentiated sheets How can I use this resource? Use with properties in...
Year 1 Materials Outdoor Sheet
What does this resource include? 3 x differentiated sheets to help take materials outside. This is part of a scheme...
Year 5 Living things & their habitats (Scheme of Work)
Year 5 Living things & their habitats (Scheme of Work) What does this resource include? 6 Lesson (All have...
Demo Video: How to keep warm on a Winters Day
Demonstration Video What does this resource include? 1 x Vlog and demonstration of what to wear on a 6 degrees day in...
Maths Estimating Year 1 (5&6yrs)
What does this video resource include? 1 x Vlog describing activities you can do to enhance your maths session in...
Is Forest School or Outdoor Learning what you need?
Is Forest School or Outdoor Learning what you need? Before we start to compare the differences between Forest School...