Outdoor Learning Research

Outdoor Learning Research 

So, what are the stats surrounding Outdoor Learning? 

Take from Outdoor Classroom Day Survey 2021:

  • 88% of teachers say that children are more engaged in learning when taking lessons outdoors
  • 86% of teachers say that playing outdoors gives children a better understanding of the environment. 
  • 44% of teachers have increased outdoor learning since participating in Outdoor Classroom Day.

What are the most prominent benefits Outdoor Learning research is suggesting?

Taken from Independent School Parent Article:

  • develop reflective and inquisitive thinking along with problem-solving approaches in ‘real’ situations
  • encourage holistic development of children
  • develop resilience and adaptability in occasionally adverse circumstances
  • allow children to become more able to identify hazards and risks
  • develop a love, appreciation and respect for nature and all that is living
  • develop an understanding of how we can look after our environment
  • develop self-awareness, confidence and self-esteem
  • develop collaborative working and communication skills
  • provide positive health benefits – both physically and mentally – and assist gross and fine-motor development
  • develop a lifelong love of the outdoors

Knowing the above, it becomes clear that what ties all of these together is well-being, happy, healthy children go on to be in a better mindset. To learn, to make friendships and to lead a happy life that prospers and gives back to the world.  These are the most recent stats on children’s mental health in the UK. 


Taken from The Children’s Society data: May 25th 2022


  • 1 in 6 children aged 5-16 are likely to have a mental health problem
  • In the last three years, the likelihood of young people having a mental health problem has increased by 50%.
  • Now, five children in a classroom of 30 are likely to have a mental health problem.
  • 39.2% of 6 to 16-year-olds had experienced deterioration in mental health since 2017

Scotland already recognises this and as such, it is a policy that supports outdoor education within their curriculum.  Furthermore, play is also an important and integral part. 

Find more information surrounding this through Learning through the Landscapes. 

Wales also has a day to support Outdoor Learning to promote its importance further. 

The flourish project also provides lots of valuable information as to why the outdoors helps with everybody’s well-being. 

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Links to: 

  • PSHE – working collaboratively  

What other resources are there? 

Why do I need to teach outside more? 

Sadly, children play much less than they used to; according to Save the Children, only one in four children play out regularly on their street. It is believed that the pandemic has also made this worse as children choose to play more alone.  It is also thought that children who play less are more likely to have mental health issues.  Check out our maths blog for more idea. 

How can I gain more confidence in this area? 

We are teachers who support educators to teach their curriculum outside. 

Outdoor learning is an effective teaching tool that can help children of all learner types access their curriculum in a fun and practical way. 

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