SofW Year 3 Rocks

SofW Year 3 Rocks

Muddy Puddle Teacher SofW - Year 3  Rocks   Safety   Please remind children to use their feet first, then...

Rock Sorters (Year 3)

Rock Sorters (Year 3)

Rock Sorters (Year 3) Use this worksheet to help children embed their lessons from practical outdoor learning to...

Rock Explorers (Year 3)

Rock Explorers (Year 3)

Rock Detectives (Year 3) This outdoor worksheet supports the Year 3 Scheme of Works on Rocks.  Practical outdoor...

Rock Detectives (Year 3)

Rock Detectives (Year 3)

Rock Detectives (Year 3) Use this outdoor worksheet on clipboards to add a bit of structure to your outdoor learning. ...

Sunflower Day Certificate

Sunflower Day Certificate

Use this Sunflower Day Certificate to award the child that grows the largest sunflower. Do not forget to also apply...

Sunflower Day Growth Chart KS2

Sunflower Day Growth Chart KS2

Enjoy using this KS2 Growth Chart resource on Sunflower Day so that the children can record the height and observe...

Hunt for Solids, Liquids & Gases

Hunt for Solids, Liquids & Gases

Hunt for Solids Liquids & Gases to get the children outside applying their Science and wonder of the world the...

Signs of Winter Activity Sheet

Signs of Winter Activity Sheet

Use the Signs of Winter Activity Sheet to get the children outside applying their Science and knowledge in an active...

Indoor Garden Experiments KS2

Indoor Garden Experiments KS2

Use Indoor Garden Experiments KS2 to make gardening and areas of the Science curriculum fun and manageable while being...