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Tots Fairytales

Tots Fairytales

Use this incredible pack of phonics games to add variety, fresh air and imagination to your sessions. Use it as an aid when planning so you can pick and choose the activities you want to implement into your own sessions.

Outdoor Phonics Games (All phases)

Outdoor Phonics Games (All phases)

Use this incredible pack of phonics games to add variety, fresh air and imagination to your sessions. Use it as an aid when planning so you can pick and choose the activities you want to implement into your own sessions.

Early Years Outdoor Music

Early Years Outdoor Music

Have you ever thought about taking music outdoors? Using the natural world to help children understand tone, tempo and rhythm can be very refreshing and help embed the learning better. Music EYFS will also give ideas on how to make natural instruments and using nature s inspiration.

Outside Messy Sensory Activities

Outside Messy Sensory Activities

Messy play is such an important aspect of any child’s education, it is how they start to understand the world. Use Messy Play for Early years to make this happen at your setting.