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Want focused feet?

Want focused feet?

Focused Feet Barefoot Therapy One of the easiest ways to improve our wellbeing is simply to remove our shoes! Barefoot...

Houses and Homes – KS1

Houses and Homes – KS1

Take House and Homes Topic outside the muddy way! Enhance and dive deeper into the childrens learning by using natural...



Use Habitats ideas pack to help you get your class hands-on with this area of Science this year.  Teaching this kind...

Outdoor Learning & Coronavirus

Outdoor Learning & Coronavirus

Outdoor learning  & coronavirus It has been an incredibly difficult year for teachers. A fact.  Change...

Outdoor Learning Trust

Outdoor Learning Trust

Outdoor learning trust?  Outdoor learning has long gone overlooked.  However the 2019 COVID epidemic started...

Institute for outdoor learning UK

Institute for outdoor learning UK

Institute for outdoor learning uk We are delighted to be doing a blog post on institute for outdoor learning uk. It...