Wellbeing: Leaf Love ⇒Use the Leaf Love to help children have a method to help them connect with nature. Connecting to...
Relaxing in the Rain (Wellbeing)
Wellbeing: Relaxing in the Rain ⇒Use the Relaxing in the Rain lesson plan to make the most of outdoor learning. Do...
Mindful Mud (Wellbeing)
Wellbeing: Mindful Mud ⇒Use the Mindful Mud method and let mud and mess make you all feed good! ⇒Single Lesson Plan We...
Worry Leaves (Outdoor eBook)
Worry Leaves ⇒This eBook can be read outdoors in indoors, with tasks to do outdoors after ⇒Single Text We will...
Five Outdoor Wellbeing Ideas for Kids
Amazing Five Outdoor Wellbeing Ideas for Kids Going outdoors and being in nature is proven to be beneficial for...
Wellbeing: Puddle Pondering
Puddle Pondering is a fabulous way to get your sillies out. Being silly is extremely important for children to be...
Wellbeing : Clearing Cloudy Minds
Clearing cloudy minds and being mindful is imperative in all of our lives. We lead busy, fast-paced lives and...
Super Positive Power Leaves
Super Positive Power Leaves Play 'Super Positive Power Leaves' and end your lesson on a high. ?Ask the children to...
Well-being: Worry Leaves
Worry Leaves This lesson plan will cover the following objectives: A chance to talk and be open with our feelings. To...
Well-being: Mood Leaves
Mood Leaves Use this natural and nurturing lesson plan and let nature help the children to connect with their...
School Improvement Liverpool (EYFS)
Saturday 2nd September 1:15 Join us as we collaborate with School Improvement Liverpool to help more schools get...
How can you connect your class with nature?
Connect your class with nature Connecting children with nature is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give the...
Poetry Alliteration and Similes (Home Learning)
Home Learning Activity Poetry Alliteration and Similes Use this pack to help your children flourish at home...
Outdoor Learning Funding 2021/2022
Outdoor Learning Funding 2021/2022 Are you looking for outdoor learning funding so that your children have the...
Follow MPT on Social Media (All of the links)
Follow The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training has the most impact when it inspires you- it fuels you to want to do this...
Outdoor Inspired Events and Days
Time to get your diaries out and add some of these dates into your diary. Joining in on special days helps raise the...
Safety while using Natural Resources
Use Safety while using Natural Resources to help send a useful ideas pack to parents to help them best navigate how...
Personification KS2 ⇒This lesson is best achieved outdoors. ⇒ Do it in all weathers ⇒ Uses natural resources ⇒Single...