Fireworks Ideas for EYFS

Fireworks Ideas for EYFS

Fireworks Ideas for EYFS Using the Muddy Puddle Teacher (MPT) Approach: Nature-Inspired, Eco-Friendly, and Fun!...

Celebrating Diwali

Celebrating Diwali

Celebrating Diwali ⇒This lesson is best done outside and involves some messy...

Set Up a Nature Club

Set Up a Nature Club

Always wanted to set up an afterschool nature club? Well, this pack will help you! It gives you all the tips you need,...

EYFS Trolls

EYFS Trolls

EYFS Trolls Use Trolls EYFS to take positive power outside loud and proud! Time to shine 🙂 Like our Muddy ideas?...

Early Years World Book Day

Early Years World Book Day

Early Years World Book Day In a nutshell: Use Muddy World Book Day Ideas pack to get activities and learning outside....

Gardening Therapy

Gardening Therapy

Gardening Therapy Use Gardening Therapy to help the therapeutic magic of nature calm emotions and strengthen...

*FREE*Upcycled Role Play – Tots

*FREE*Upcycled Role Play – Tots

Use Upcycled Role Play - Tots to help add some drama into your provisions. Upcycling teaches children how to respect...

*FREE* Sunflowers EYFS

*FREE* Sunflowers EYFS

Use Sunflowers EYFS to get lots of muddy ways and ideas to take this topic outside. Use only natural and upcycled resources.

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