Cosy Outdoor Play equipment Giveaway!
Sign up Here Cosy are welcoming their first Outdoor Play Giveaway! You simply sign up to using this link to enter their play giveaway. Every week thereafter you will ne entered into their play giveaway! Hooray!Cosy have said they are giving away small items...
BLOG: What are Outdoor eBooks?
What are outdoor eBooks? Outdoor eBooks are a new, refreshing way to encourage children to read actively and interactively. These types of books are very effective for children who struggle to read or are reluctant to read. Download our eBooks onto a device and read....
What is the Muddy Puddle Teacher Award?
What is Muddy Puddle Teacher Award? The Muddy Puddle Teacher ® is a registered trademark and was created by teacher Sarah Seaman in 2018. Sarah used her teaching background and Level 3 Forest School training to fuse an approach that could be managed in...
Sunflower Day 30th April 2021
Sunflower Day 30th April 2021 is on its way, hooray! Who is joining us for this awesome day? Me please! Remember The Muddy Puddle Teacher is made by teachers for educators, we get it! Planting at school can be hard to fit into your outdoor learning schedule. So we...
World Book Day – The Muddy Way! Top Tips
World Book Day - The Muddy Way! World Book Day - the Muddy Way is such a unique way to boost children's interest in reading and storytelling. Giving children the gift to read can be one of the greatest gifts ever received! Here are some top tips to get your...
Outdoor Learning Resources
The Muddy Teachers Ask..........Where can I get free outdoor learning resources? We know it, you know it. Sometimes we need things fast and free! Remember that you can train with us and access the full range of our resources, including phonics session plans and work...
7 Spring Ideas for Kids 7-11 years
Time to get ready for Spring! Ready for 7 Spring Ideas for Kids 7- 11 years? Autumn and Winter can seem to feel like terribly long seasons, and when SpringSpring starts to pop up, it can be a sheer delight. Let The Muddy Puddle Teacher help with a few of these...
8 Spring Ideas for 5-7 year olds
Spring is here, hooray! Here are 8 Spring Ideas for 5-year olds The weather should start to warm up now and offer you some more opportunities to go and do lots of outdoor learning! The resources you choose will change too. Now be up for using more green stuff such as...
Spring Ideas for Early Years
Spring has Sprung, and its time for some muddy outdoor learning! It is that time of year again where the weather warms a bit, and we can peel another layer off our muddies! Spring ideas for early years here we come... Our advice is for every turn of a season, spend...
Outdoor Learning Funding
Outdoor Learning Funding 2021 So you love The Muddy Puddle Approach and you want all of your staff to have it? We get it! All teachers here too 🙂 This blog is going to give youOutdoor Learning Funding ideas and ways to help fund your outdoor schooling dream. Pupil...
Maths in Muddy Puddles
Maths in Muddy Puddles Maths in Muddy Puddles There are tonnes of learning in the very simple life of a muddy puddle. You just have to open your eyes and see it for what it is. We have become obsessed as a society in over complicating the area of teaching and...
Lockdown tips to help kids wellbeing
The childrens wellbeing is paramount right now. Why not every Friday, make it a wellbeing day and concentrate in sharing emotions, hugging and snuggling their confidence. Babies - hold baby or pop in a sling and go for a walk somewhere you have not ventured before and...
5 Activities to do in a Muddy Puddle
5 Activities to do in a Muddy Puddle So you want 5 activities to do in a muddy puddle? Well, you have come to the right people. There is nothing The Muddy Puddle Teachers can not take outside. Every academic area you have naturally done on a worksheet is going to...
Ofsted & Outdoor Learning
Oftsed & Outdoor Learning In this 2008 report Ofsted comment: ‘The first-hand experiences of learning outside the classroom can help to make subjects more vivid and interesting for pupils and enhance their understanding. It can also contribute significantly...
What is Muddy Puddle Teacher Status?
What is Muddy Puddle Teacher Status? The Muddy Puddle Teacher ® is a registered trademark and was created by teacher Sarah Seaman in 2018. Sarah used her teaching background and Level 3 Forest School training to fuse an approach that could be managed in...
Want focused feet?
Focused Feet Barefoot Therapy One of the easiest ways to improve our wellbeing is simply to remove our shoes! Barefoot therapy can also be known as earthing and it has been scientifically proven to improve our mental health. When a child is feeling stressed,...
Top Tips for Houses and Homes Topics
Testing Materials. Ask children to make a house out of different materials then test it by taking it outside. Outdoor learning not always about being outside all day. It’s about using the outdoor to inspire you inside out. That’s the Muddy Puddle Teacher way! Going...
Habitats Outdoor Learning top tips (Year 1 & 2)
Habitats Outdoor Learning Children will use lots of imaginative and creative skills by using this pack and taking habitats outside, as well as having the time, space and freedom to fully understand what a habitat is and how animal survive outside. Often in all...

Outdoor learning training
The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach has everything you need to be a successful outdoor practitioner.
So what exactly does that look like?
- We save you time by training you to use only natural and recycled materials. This way there is little to no prep or clear away. To view our training head this way.
- There is nothing more to be bought once you are trained on our approach.
- You are going to save your school money because this approach is infectious. You will start looking at your waste inside the classroom too! The institute for outdoor learning uk have some great articles on this.
- We connect you with like-minded people, we want you to know you are understood and appreciated with us and know that there are others around you just the same.
- As well as inspiring you, training you, supporting you. We also provide you with hundreds of pick up resources that will give you ideas to take your learning outside. No worksheets allowed!
Many of you may have turned to us to search for – outdoor learning coronavirus- we can help massively with this and maybe it was time for a change anyway? To sign up and join The Muddy Puddle Teachers head this way.
To sign up and join The Muddy Puddle Teachers head this way.