Global Day of Unplugging

Global Day of Unplugging

What does this resource include? 1 x Whole School Ideas Pack including parents sheet  How can I use this resource? ...

Year 3 Plants (Scheme of Work)

Year 3 Plants (Scheme of Work)

What does the Year 3 Plants Scheme of Work include? 6 x Year 3 Plants Lesson Plans  6 x PPT Presentations for each...

Minibeast magnifying glasses

Minibeast magnifying glasses

What does this resource include? One magnifying glass with a picture front and words on the back.  How can I use this...

Rocks Scheme of Work (Year 3)

Rocks Scheme of Work (Year 3)

What does the fantastic Rocks Scheme of Work (Year 3) - include?  6 Lesson Plans for the Science Unit Year 3 Rocks 6...

Leaf Identifier KS2

Leaf Identifier KS2

Take time out to do some Muddy Science!  This leaf identifier will help children find trees and identify them by their...

Class Weather Chart (Daily)

Class Weather Chart (Daily)

Use this handy Class Weather Chart to record the weather daily but also find time to reflect on why weather happens...

Seed Dispersal

Seed Dispersal

Use this template to allow children to show their understanding of the scheme of work. 

Lifecycle of a broad bean

Lifecycle of a broad bean

Apply The lifecycle of a Broad Bean as part of our Year 3 Scheme of Work for plants.  

Transporting Water in Plants

Transporting Water in Plants

Transporting Water in plants is a great activity to use post outdoor learning to assess the children's understanding. 

Earth Day Word Search

Earth Day Word Search

Use Earth Day Word Search to help embed a love for the planet and to put a focus on the key areas and words of the...

Plants Mindfulness Colouring In

Plants Mindfulness Colouring In

Use Plants Mindfulness Colouring In as part of your Science learning or as a brain break to help children be mindful...

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