Carboard in the classroom can help schools reduce plastic use

Carboard in the classroom can help schools reduce plastic use

Cardboard is something that we all use and something we often have an abundance of, especially after Christmas. So, why not teach the children how we can reuse the cardboard, have fun creating and also make practical things? It’s a great way to merge art and DT, while...

The Tress the Classroom Cuts Down

The Tress the Classroom Cuts Down

Reducing our carbon footprint in the classroom has never been so important. A recent poll was conducted on teachers on The Muddy Puddle Teacher Facebook Page indicated that teachers felt that paper was the most significant waste area in their school.  Record...

How to plan a winter scavenger hunt for the family

How to plan a winter scavenger hunt for the family

Scavenger hunts are a great way to get your kids exploring, but how can you create a scavenger hunt in winter? Here, Rebecca McCalla, Director at the outdoor supplier Little Adventure Shop, shows you how to plan a fun scavenger hunt in the colder weather. When winter...

Printable 100 square grid – why you need to ditch it!

Printable 100 square grid – why you need to ditch it!

Exploring the Many Uses of 100 Square Grids in Maths Education A 100 square grid, also known as a hundred chart, is a versatile tool used in teaching various mathematical concepts. This 10×10 grid, filled with numbers from 1 to 100, helps children visualise numbers...

The Paint Therapy Method – Supporting Big Emotions

The Paint Therapy Method – Supporting Big Emotions

The Painting Therapy Method for Managing Feelings with Kids Art can be great therapy for all of us. Being very mindful and creative through different art forms can help children relax and have some quiet time while still keeping their hands busy. Remember that quiet...

Why is outdoor learning in Primary Schools so important?

Why is outdoor learning in Primary Schools so important?

Why is outdoor learning in Primary Schools so important? It could be argued that you’d have to have been living in a cave or a cardboard box to have missed the vast cultural shift and the move towards outdoor learning in our primary schools. Undoubtedly compounded by...

Why Year 2 Need to go outside!

Why Year 2 Need to go outside!

Why Year 2 Need to go outside! In the year of the 2020 pandemic, there was a huge push to encourage schools to use the outdoor space that they have to deliver lessons in. However, quality outdoor learning experiences still face several challenges, including revised...

Why I love Forest School!

Why I love Forest School!

It is a sunny Autumn Day; I’m witnessing thirty Year 6 pupils learning, enquiring, working as members of a team, communicating and being creative through child-led activities. They are also keeping moving and taking risks. Surely these pupils aren’t at school? Yes!...

Intro into the Silver Subcription

Intro into the Silver Subcription

Here is what you get with a Silver Subscription:  -Access to all of our resources 0-11 years.  - Request for us to build any resources you wish using Live Chat - it takes around two weeks to be made. -Access to all of Outdoor eBooks and Schemes of Work What more do...

Intro into the Muddy Puddle Teacher Gold Account

Intro into the Muddy Puddle Teacher Gold Account

For those of you new to us, Welcome to The Muddy Puddle Teacher! We are an Outdoor Learning approach created by teachers for educators. We have a passion for helping you take your learning outside in ways that do not create extra work. We want to enhance how you teach...

Five Outdoor Wellbeing Ideas for Kids

Five Outdoor Wellbeing Ideas for Kids

Amazing Five Outdoor Wellbeing Ideas for Kids   Going outdoors and being in nature is proven to be beneficial for all of our wellbeing.  Nature gives off happy chemicals that can improve our moods, plus we are more physical when we go outdoors and all of that can...

School Improvement Liverpool (EYFS)

School Improvement Liverpool (EYFS)

Saturday 2nd September 1:15 Join us as we collaborate with School Improvement Liverpool to help more schools get outside and muddy in Autumn. An interactive workshop will help practitioners use their outside space to support children's mental health and holistic...

How can you connect your class with nature?

How can you connect your class with nature?

Connect your class with nature Connecting children with nature is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give the children in your class. Use these tips to help you set up and start your relationship with nature throughout the year. ?Go for a walk at weekends, in...

Outdoor Learning Funding 2021/2022

Outdoor Learning Funding 2021/2022

Outdoor Learning Funding 2021/2022   Are you looking for outdoor learning funding so that your children have the correct kit? To train as a Muddy Puddle Teacher, enrol onto our Gold Account for £99.99 for a full year of access to all of the resources and courses....

Follow MPT on Social Media (All of the links)

Follow MPT on Social Media (All of the links)

Follow The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training has the most impact when it inspires you- it fuels you to want to do this rather than being told. It is the same for the children too! Muddy Task So, let us surround you with real-life, practical ideas. Join up, follow some of...

Outdoor Inspired Events and Days

Outdoor Inspired Events and Days

Time to get your diaries out and add some of these dates into your diary. Joining in on special days helps raise the awareness of key areas this approach is trying to raise attention towards. It makes us all drop what we are doing and have some spontaneous and...

The Perfect Outdoor Classroom

The Perfect Outdoor Classroom

Why the simple Bell Tent is your Perfect Outdoor Classroom. I can not recommend enough how perfect Bell Tents are for creating that outside-inside feel while still creating adventure and wildness joy.  We would love to think that we could stay out in...

outdoor learning

Outdoor learning training

The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach has everything you need to be a successful outdoor practitioner. 


So what exactly does that look like? 


  • We save you time by training you to use only natural and recycled materials.  This way there is little to no prep or clear away. To view our training head this way. 
  • There is nothing more to be bought once you are trained on our approach. 
  • You are going to save your school money because this approach is infectious.  You will start looking at your waste inside the classroom too! The institute for outdoor learning uk have some great articles on this. 
  • We connect you with like-minded people, we want you to know you are understood and appreciated with us and know that there are others around you just the same. 
  • As well as inspiring you, training you, supporting you.  We also provide you with hundreds of pick up resources that will give you ideas to take your learning outside.  No worksheets allowed! 


Many of you may have turned to us to search for – outdoor learning coronavirus- we can help massively with this and maybe it was time for a change anyway? To sign up and join The Muddy Puddle Teachers head this way.


To sign up and join The Muddy Puddle Teachers head this way.