The Muddy Puddle Teacher Awards

The Winner of The Muddy Puddle Teacher Awards

A big congrats to the two schools that were awarded this year’s Muddy Puddle Teacher Award 2021. Never will your indoor or outdoor spaces ever be perfect! There is no such thing. Education evolves, children change and new trends arrive. It is the dedication that shines through and both of these schools showed this and are well deserved Muddy Champions! The effort is needed in Outdoor Learning, it is not easy but the rewards are overwhelming. 
Well done North Walsall Primary Academy for winning the Primary Award and Water Leys Community Primary for winning the Early Years Award.
With thanks to our sponsors whom some donated gifts for the schools VegTrug Insect Lore Early Years TV Cosy
You have won a years subscription for your whole school to Muddy Puddles and with thanks to VegTrug for also donating some amazing wall planters!

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