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Outdoor Learning helps practical learners

Outdoor Learning helps practical learners

It is true!  You have a class full of children that learn differently. So how do you adapt your teaching to support all the children’s needs without tiring yourself out? 

It is simple…..you take more of your lessons outside the classroom. 

Outdoor learning when linked to the curriculum can enrich all the learning done in the classroom and support all learner types and needs. 

For practical learners they need to learn by moving, touching, seeing and practicing.  They need to see that objective for what it looks like when put in place.  No end of showing and telling will always do the practical learner justice but when you go outside you are compelled to be practical, it is alo very visual and different which instantly engages children. 

Try this task:

Teach a lesson indoors.  Teach the same one outdoors.  You could not watch the whole class so focus on just three children and then compare.  I am quietly confident this will be a BIG penny dropped when you see the impact. 

It is not just the practical learners that benefit from outdoor learning, your more able children will benefit too.  The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach adds mastery to your lessons because the children are having to dive deeper into their area of learning and seeing it in a different way. 

Interested in knowing more about practical learning, read more here.
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