outdoor learning trust

Lockdown tips to help kids wellbeing

The childrens wellbeing is paramount right now. Why not every Friday, make it a wellbeing day and concentrate in sharing emotions, hugging and snuggling their confidence.

Babies – hold baby or pop in a sling and go for a walk somewhere you have not ventured before and have a little adventure. Bid deep breaths for you and lots of snuggles for baby. 

Tots – Go for a walk and tell your child all the lovely things about them, what do they like about themselves and can they say nice things to you? 

EYFS – Go for a walk and say lots of lovely positive things about each other. Also ask your child about worries, is anything worrying them?  If you do, pick up a leaf, say the worry in the leaf and blow it away!


Go on a lovely walk, somewhere new where you have not been before.  Take a backpack with lunch in and go have an adventure.  As you walk, talk to your child about wellbeing and how the outside can calm us. Say lots of things to your children about what is great about them, can they comment on one another too? Talk about worries and idf you have any pick up a leaf, say it in the leaf then blow it away. 

Go on a lovely walk, somewhere new where you have not been before.  Take a backpack with lunch in and go have an adventure.  Maybe download an app to help you identify nature on the way? As you walk, talk to your child about wellbeing and how the outside can calm us. What other things can we do to support our mental health? Say lots of things to your children about what is great about them, can they tell you what they like about themselves? Can they make others feel good, how? Talk about worries and if your children have any, pick up a leaf, say it in the leaf then blow it away. If it is a hard worry. Pick up a rock and throw that rock as far as you can!

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