The Muddy Puddle Teacher

What is Muddy Phonics?

What is Muddy Phonics?

Muddy Phonics is a way of doing Phonics that involves the children being outside, learning in active ways and using...

KS1 10 Phonics Tasks

KS1 10 Phonics Tasks

Use this fun and an active pack of games to do daily phonics outside the muddy way!

Phonics Games All Phases

Phonics Games All Phases

Use this incredible pack of phonics games to add variety, fresh air and imagination to your sessions. Use it as an aid when planning so you can pick and choose the activities you want to implement into your own sessions.

Outdoor Phonics Games (All phases)

Outdoor Phonics Games (All phases)

Use this incredible pack of phonics games to add variety, fresh air and imagination to your sessions. Use it as an aid when planning so you can pick and choose the activities you want to implement into your own sessions.

Muddy Promise (Behaviour Policy- all ages)

Muddy Promise (Behaviour Policy- all ages)

Safety when outdoors is something we now have to teach children as there spending less and less time out there. Use some of our Muddy Rules, tried and tested tips, to keep the learning fun and safe.