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sunflower day growth chart

Sunflower Day Growth Chart KS2

Enjoy using this KS2 Growth Chart resource on Sunflower Day so that the children can record the height and observe their plant as it grows and reflect and look for changes if they were to do this KS2 Experiment again. It is such a great experience to teach children how to plant, nurture, and watch plants grow due to their hard skills and care—creating future environmentalists. Get the planting a Sunflower Instruction Sheet here.

To start you need:

Make sure these are not Dwarf Sunflower Seeds otherwise you will not get the height which children love to see.  If you are doing this as a class either do one per child if you can or put them into groups. 

How to plant your seed

  • Plant your sunflower seed inside on a window sill if the temperature is likely to drop below 0 degrees and then take it out once the weather gets warmer. 
  • You can plant it in a pot or directly into the ground. 
  • Plant the seed about an inch into the ground or pot. 
  • Water daily around a litre a day. They grow fast so give them plenty of water. 

Make sure they have access to the sun! Place in sunny areas and get the children involved in all of this!

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