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outdoor learning trust

Outdoor Learning Trust

Outdoor learning trust? 

Outdoor learning has long gone overlooked.  However the 2019 COVID epidemic started to put outdoor learning on the map.  Teachers started to look at going outside as the best way to manage and the only way to have parents watch shows and join in awards. 

The Muddy Puddle Teacher has never been so busy supporting, assisting and havond over thousands of our resources to help those schools in lockdown. 

To now be coming out at the other end of that it’s now nice to see the BUZZ people have got for it. 

Who remembers seeing more people than ever out walking in lockdown? COVID brought lots of sadness to lots of people but a massive positive is how it connected many of us back to the outside and back to nature. 

Many of the outdoor organisations struggled after COVID and if you would like to offer help go to the Outward Bound website to see projects that will help you and your children go on more outdoor adventures. 

Here are some other Outdoor Learning Trusts that could help you:

Want to train on our outdoor learning approach?  Join thousands of other muddy and merry Muddy Puddle Teachers ® this way.

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