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Outdoor Learning Centers – How can I find one?

Outdoor Learning Centers – how can I find one? 

Outdoor learning centres are popping up everywhere from rock climbing for the teens to forest schools toddler clubs.  Everyone wants to be outside and everyone wants a reason to go outside.  It is truly easy to sit inside but we all know we need to be more out there! Life gets in the way, that TV series comes on and before we know it, we are on that sofa or computer game again. 

We need our Outdoor Learning Centers! 

So how do you find one? 

Google it of course 🙂

Google your area and ‘outdoor learning centre’ and you’re going to find one. 

Here are some tips on outdoor centres you can search for:

Why is it important for children to get outside more? 

  • Helps their wellbeing and yours
  • Good for physical wellbeing
  • Build connections and relationships
  • Personal development
  • Develops resilience
  • Connection to nature

We also have schools that are trained Muddy Puddle Teachers and will also offer your children outdoor adventures while following the curriculum.  Let us help you find your perfect school or job.  Want to train on our outdoor learning approach?  Join thousands of other muddy and merry Muddy Puddle Teachers ® click here. 

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