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Outdoor Science Day 10th March

Muddy Science Day 10th March 2020

Lots of your Science curriculum belongs outside! Yet many of us still keep to the tradition of working from schemes of work, worksheets and booklets. But have you tried embracing the Science that is out there? Science is an understanding of the world and we can only begin to let children understand this if we take them out where it all is and where it all started.  Wonder, ore and an organic interest for Science comes from the way we present subjects and areas of learning. 

At the Muddy Puddle Teacher we embrace Science being taught more outside.  We believe that children can work more scientifically and use more skills such as field work required to ask questions, discover and to become more scientific. 

Here are some tips to make Muddy Science Day a success at your school:

  • Make it a whole school project
  • Inform parents and gather up excitement
  • Share your journey on social media
  • Have a display sharing the days activities
  • Hold experiments that work much better outside
  • Talk about nature and wellbeing impacts of being outside
  • Call each other scientists
  • Ask children to make lab coats out of old T.Shirts.

On this special day we encourage schools to take their Science outside that day and to make science more practical and more meaningful. 

On this day children come dressed in clothes ready to get muddy and ready to explore the wonders of Science through nature. We do a lot of Science schemes of work at The Muddy Puddle Teacher join up and have instant access. If you are looking for free ideas to take your Science outside on Muddy Science Day then use this blog to help with some experiments.

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