Muddy Puddle Teacher Promise

Our outdoor learning approach is one of the most environmentally methods you can use at your school or setting. We work towards a zero-waste method. By up-skilling our teachers on The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach, using only natures waste, means that the teachers need to buy nothing (which is much needed in a budget time industry) but it also means no trees are chopped down to teach with and no plastics are bought. Plus, the lights are even turned off inside because we are using the natural light while we do outdoor learning As well as educating the teacher and child each time about consumption, sustainability and connecting with nature.

For us being more sustainable is the future and the only future we need to focus on if we want a future. We care for children now and for those later too and the more we can do to safeguard the environment for our future generation the better. This is the incredible power anf focus of The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach.

Our Muddy Puddle Promise makes a pact with nature and is our way of concentrating on the very things that provide is with what we need to do this approach and we are very thankful to all of mother nature for this.

We support the Global Goals and we Muddy Puddl

We support the Global Goals and we Muddy Puddle Promise too 🙂

Help reduce single-use plastic waste in schools by encouraging the use of natural resources in our lesson plans and training packs.
Create lesson plans that encourage children to respect and care for wildlife.
Promote eco-friendly practices and give suitable tips to support teachers and parents.
Inspire schools to reuse and recycle with the support of the NPAC.
Encourage schools to use Barnardo’s local charity shops to help them reuse and recycle outdoor clothing.
Make our products minimal in colour, promote paper-free practices and only print materials where necessary.
The Muddy Puddle Teacher ®

An outdoor teaching approach created by teachers for teachers

Reduce overall teacher workload | Make outdoor learning manageable | Enjoy the physical and mental well-being benefits for teacher and child

Teacher Training | Teaching resources | School Consultation

‘Learning outside for just one lesson a week boosts learning and behaviour, say, researchers’, Telegraph article click here to read more.