Muddy Puddle Teacher a Greener Teaching World

We are committed in helping the education industrythrough outdoor learning to reduce waste and to teach the next generations about being more environmentally friendly. With eco-schools being taken out of the curriculum, schools have little to be accountable for in regards to waste. It is down to each of them to consciously put this at the forefront and we know as teachers they have enough to do. The Muddy Puddle Teacher approach was created with that in mind.

Just by simply doing The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach, that still covers attainment an supports learning they are making and environmental impact, while reducing waste, saving energy and using less paper and plastics!

Muddy Puddle Teacher a Greener Teaching World

These are some of the things we are working on to better help achieve this Muddy Puddle dream:

Inform schools of organisations like Barnardo’s and NPAC who can help reuse
To work more with organisations that help schools reduce plastic
To better promote those that encourage schools to reuse, recycle
Support families in schools by providing packs and resources
Support teachers and how they can apply this in their personal life
Promote outdoor learning
If you are a company that want to share your sustainable supportive business, click here.

If you are a school and want to learn more about our sustainable methods. Click here.

Feel you have an expertise in this area and want to work for us. Click here.

Muddy Puddle Teacher a Greener Teaching World

What kinds of areas do we focus on?

– Outdoor Learning

– Sustainability

– Zero-classroom

– Reuse, recycle

– Junk and scrap

– Reducing printing and paper

– More wildlife in schools

– More natural spaces in schools

– Less electricity

– Reducing single use plastics

– Promoting more natural resources

– Reusing and making less uniforms

– Carbon footprint

– Connecting with nature

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The Muddy Puddle Teacher ®

An outdoor teaching approach created by teachers for teachers

Reduce overall teacher workload | Make outdoor learning manageable | Enjoy the physical and mental wellbeing benefits for teacher and child

Teacher Training | Teaching resources | School Consultation

‘Learning outside for just one lesson a week boosts learning and behaviour, say, researchers’, Telegraph article click here to read more.