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Muddy Maths

Muddy Maths Blog (KS1)

Muddy Maths (KS1) Tip and Ideas

Maths is a super versatile subject to take outdoors and a great starting point for those new.  There are so many maths opportunities in your outside space that can help any children who are practical and visual learners.  It is also a great way to put maths into context, show and challenge the children to look at how they can apply their maths knowledge differently, and spice up any areas you need to repeat.  

Counting Games

Flowing with Numbers

First, place ten cones out in a large circle, then explain this is a counting game, and we are counting up in X. Each child has to run around the circle stopping at the cones to count. For instance, your class may be working on their 2’s.  Ask the children to run to their first cone and say 2, then the next 4, then the next six and so on.  When they get to the end, the next child has a go.  Each time a child has completed the counting game, they sit down, so the teacher knows they have completed the game.  You can make this into a competition, but the children will rush it, let them just have a go at having some maths fun!

Mexican wave Muddy Style

Place all of the children in a line, choose one end to be the start and one to be the end.  Start with the first child and choose a multiple to count with, for instance, 5.  They say 5, the next child says 10, the next child says 15 and so on.  Decide on how far you will go.  You could count up to 50, then start over again or challenge them and see how far they can go.  Once you reach the end of the line, that child runs to the start and start all over again. 


Muddy Fractions 

Give the children a number at random, start with a manageable even number under ten, while they gain confidence and understand the instructions you are giving them.  The children then have to find that many natural items around them and work out and show you two equal parts, a half. Once the children have done that, increase the number and let them have another go.  

For more significant numbers such as 50 and 100 ask the children to work in small groups. If there are five children in your group and you want 50 items, how many does each child have to get? Further challenge the children by moving onto quarters and dividing their items into four groups. 

Chopping up shapes 

Ask the children to use natural items around them to make a square.  Once the children have completed this, ask them to find a stick and show you half of the shape.  They could use the stick to divide this then find leaves to fill one half.  Change the shape to a circle, triangle, pentagon and hexagon.  Then have a go at moving the children forward to creating quarters and filling one quarter in with leaves, then two quarters. 

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