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KS1 Science – 5 tips to take it outside!

KS1 Science – 5 tips to take it outside!

Science needs to be taught outside!  Period. 

I actually remember teaching an autumn lesson indoors on my whiteboard using a sparkly presentation when it was autumn outside.  I could have simply just taken the kids outside for the day and explored all of the colours, textures, changes that happen in autumn and physically experienced the weather too.  That would have created a memory and that would have created a learning experiences they would not have forgotten. 

The Muddy Puddle Teachers do just that! We teach outside using only natural materials and because of that Science links are made every session whether we are teaching a Science lesson or not. Our full scheme of work show this. 

Here are our top 5 KS1 Science Tips

  1. Teach outside more where you can. We know it’s hard sometimes but it’s only hard because you have got used to being indoors so much. This is just as important for you and it is for the kids. Look at your planning or sign up to get it all-ready-made from us. 
  2. Use more natural materials inside and out of the class.  It will help you to reduce your plastics which ultimately is caring for the natural world (which is Science) and it will get children interested in the physical world, with them more likely to think scientifically and ask questions. Key qualities every budding scientist needs. STEM is a growing field and well worth looking into. 
  3. Label the plants and tree.  Be kind to the environment and upcycle slates or bits of wood then use chalk pens to write the names of trees and plants and have them planted near the trees and plants themselves so everyone can start to learn who and what they are! 
  4. Learn about the water cycle.  Goin out on rainy days does teach children about the water cycle.  Please DO NOT do it from a PowerPoint instead wait for a rainy day and go out there and see the water cycle in full flow.  Not every lesson has to be done when you want it to be done.  Sometimes we have to wait for the best time for it to happen. A unique experience will be far more memorable than 17 lessons from a PowerPoint!

Seasons. Have at leaves four days a year when you go fully outside.  Have them in all four seasons and base it around that seasons so they can fully appreciate the changes in weather, nature and us!  Head to our schemes of work to have plans ready for you to do this.

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