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connecting children with nature

How can you connect your class with nature?

Connect your class with nature

Connecting children with nature is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give the children in your class. Use these tips to help you set up and start your relationship with nature throughout the year.

?Go for a walk at weekends, in different places. Such as woods, beaches, cornfields and collect up items.
Every Monday, explain to the children what these new treasures are.

?Leave the natural objects in their outdoor space and let them explore and experiment. Some ideas can be collected from the Forest School Approach.

?Ask and encourage the children to also bring natural treasures they have found at home, such as rocks, shells, leaves. Anything they feel is super-interesting and let them get arty with them.  Bring them inside, offer glue, scraps of fabric and create! 

Children need to connect with nature and it is important for their mental and physical wellbeing that we put a focus on this. If you do want to learn more about Forest School and how to do it better check out the Marjon University support blogs for trainee teachers. 

?For more ideas head to www.themuddypuddleteacher.co.uk/blog

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