houses and homes ks1

Houses and Homes – KS1

Take House and Homes Topic outside the muddy way! Enhance and dive deeper into the childrens learning by using natural and upcycled materials whole embedding their learning in this area. 

Start with this amazing hook idea! 

  • Tell the children that we are going to be testing and searching for ways to make a home for an outdoor troll. Use your imaginations to imagine that many trolls live in your school grounds looking after your plants and trees. This makes for great indoor ideas too, if you want to make designs or do some story writing around this.
  • Take the children outside and look all around you for troll clues. 
  • What’s the best material for a troll house?

Then start testing some materials. 

Houses and homes typically would be something we start with by going outside and looking at houses but we need the children to understand that first this is a habitat.  A place for a human being and to start to understand and respect the importance of them.  This can then lead onto to further areas such as History and looking back at houses and to see the changes and conditions others used to love in.  

Find some lovely helpful house sand homes worksheets and presentations to help aid KS1 planning this on the types of homes and houses you may discuss amongst this topic.


For more Outdoor learning KS1 resources.

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