Tree Climbing Safety for Risk Assessments Firstly, ensure you carefully select a suitable tree that fits with your...
Blog: How to use Muddy Frames
Hi Muddy T's, Feel free to make these yourselves, but they are also on our site if anyone wants them and 700+ more to...
Blog: Bug Magnifying Glass
Hi Muddy T's, I present to you the mini-beast magnifying glass! These are on our site, BTW, but you can make your...
Blog: The Learning behind tree faces
Hi Muddy T's, You may look at this and think the Gruffalo is having a bad hair day! 😂 Some of you may be thinking it...
Is Forest School or Outdoor Learning what you need?
Is Forest School or Outdoor Learning what you need? Before we start to compare the differences between Forest School...
5 Ideas to have an Outdoor Christmas
Sustainable Christmas Trees - Put a Christmas Tree Outdoors and decorate it with sustainable and natural decorations....
Forest School – The Ultimate Outdoor Learning Experience for Kids
Forest schools are a great way to introduce young people to the outdoors and teach them about environmental...
Is Forest School for you?
Is Forest School the best option for you? Why have schools signed up to FS? Forest School is something that many...
6 ways to take your learning outside
6 ways to take your learning outside Outdoor learning has never been so needed! With increased referrals for...
Top 3 Tips When Teaching Abroad By Teacher Jess Gosling
Three tips when considering international teaching: 1. Reflect deeply on whether you could independently live...
World Bee Day
This year we have been supporting the Bumblee Bee Conservation. Bumblebee Bee Day is a much loved day by our Muddy...
3 Top Tips for Outdoor Learning at SEND Schools
Making Outdoor Learning happen for those with disabilities and special needs One of the many beauties of the...
Outdoor Learning Clothing
We have found the Outdoor Learning Clothing of your dreams. Little Adventure Shop [button...
Sunflower Day 29th April 2022
We are delighted yet again to be hosting this year's Sunflower Day on the 29th of April 2022 where our mini-muddies...
Outdoor Tuff Spot Ideas
Outdoor Tuff Spot Ideas By Jessica Habgood I love going outdoors with my daughter Felicity and setting up fun learning...
Muddy Maths Blog (KS1)
Muddy Maths (KS1) Tip and Ideas Maths is a super versatile subject to take outdoors and a great starting point for...
Wellington Boot Day Competition
Wellington Boot Day Win your teacher a chance to get a FREE Muddy Puddle Subscription. To celebrate launching our new...
Teacher Training Options
Face to Face Teacher Training OptionsCPD Accredited Muddy Teacher Training Whole School Option (up to 20 staff) for...