Home 9 Outdoor Learning Resources 9 KS1 Outdoor Learning 9 Addition & subtraction problems – Calculations challenge
addition and subtraction problems

Addition & subtraction problems – Calculations challenge

What does this outdoor resource include?

  • Addition & subtraction problems – take it outdoors! 

How do you take this outside? 

Use our Addition & subtraction problems lesson plans to make maths exciting and engaging.

Links to: 

  • PSHE – working collaboratively  

What other resources are like this?

Why do I need to teach outside more? 

Sadly, children play much less than they used to; according to Save the Children, only one in four children play out regularly on their street. It is believed that the pandemic has also made this worse as children choose to play more alone.  It is also thought that children who play less are more likely to have mental health issues.  Check out our maths blog for more idea. 

How can I gain more confidence in this area? 

We are teachers who support educators to teach their curriculum outside. 

Outdoor learning is an effective teaching tool that can help children of all learner types access their curriculum in a fun and practical way. 

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