Use the Night Time Spotter Activity Sheet to get the children outside applying their Science and wonder of the world the muddy puddle way!
This is an ideal sheet to send home to parents.
Here are some top tips to help with the Night Time Spotter Activity Sheet :
- Take hot chocolate out with you and make the moment special.
- Have marshmallows when you get in.
- Take pictures and then talk about these events after it really helps for children to recall events to help their memory.
- Take the whole family along, there is always something that will interest all ages of children.
- Keep in busy, built-up areas and stay safe.
- If you have any sparklers leftover from Bonfire Night take them out too.
- Find more night-time trail activities here.
Taking children outside at night has many benefits on their wellbeing as well as delving deeper into their understanding of Sceince.
We do also have a nocturnal animals tracker sheet if you want to send the children on a nightime hunt.
There are many charities supporting the cause for noctornal animals such as Bats, Hedgehogs and Badgers.